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Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck

Tummy tuck, also known as Abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure which helps in getting rid of excessive skin and fat deposits. It restores separated and weakened muscles creating much firmer, flatter and smooth abdominal profile. Desired for having flat and toned tummy is the desire of all, both men and women, at any age. Sometimes even diet and exercise cannot help in achieving desired abdomen. There are many people who have normal body weight, however develop sagging or loose skin around abdominal area.

Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck is a cosmetic surgery to remove excess of tummy skin and fat. It also tightens the abdominal wall muscles. This surgery flattens your abdomen and improves appearance as well as self-esteem. This procedure is also found useful in removing stretch marks to some extent

Types of Tummy Tuck

  • Full Abdominoplasty or Traditional tummy tuck: Here a horizontal incision is made across the lower tummy between belly button and hips. The second incision is formed around the navel. Excessive muscles are tightened, skin is removed, and liposuction may be done to improve abdominal contour. Skin is removed from above the navel and down to the pubic area that is compromised after obesity, pregnancy and genetic laxity. The belly button is repositioned, and incisions are closed. A traditional tummy tuck is ideal for the patients who desire flatten abdomen both below and above the belly button. Also, it is recommended in patients with the excessive weakening of abdominal muscles and midsection skin.
  • Mini Abdominoplasty: It is less invasive technique. Here in the pubic area, a single horizontal incision is made as low as possible. The excess of skin is removed through the incision, and relaxed muscles are tightened. Liposuction may be possibly done to refine the area. Those who have protrusion and laxity below the navel are ideal candidates for a mini-tummy tuck. It is recommended for slender individuals who are in reasonably good shape but have a small bulge between the belly button and mons pubis and are unable to achieve their aesthetic goal through exercise and diet
  • You should consider extended lateral tension abdominoplasty if you have an excess of skin on your hips or love handles. It is recommended to address excessive, loose skin after massive weight loss or after pregnancy. The procedure involves a tummy tuck in the front of the tummy. The lift over your love handles is shifted to the side of thighs to improve the shape of hip and thigh area. The effect is stimulated by grabbing and pulling up the skin on your waist sides. A layer of the more profound tissue is used to maintain and support the repair.High or Extended Lateral Tension Abdominoplasty: You should consider extended lateral tension abdominoplasty if you have an excess of skin on your hips or love handles. It is recommended to address excessive, loose skin after massive weight loss or after pregnancy. The procedure involves a tummy tuck in the front of the tummy. The lift over your love handles is shifted to the side of thighs to improve the shape of hip and thigh area. The effect is stimulated by grabbing and pulling up the skin on your waist sides. A layer of the more profound tissue is used to maintain and support the repair.
  • Circumferential Tummy Tuck ( Belt Lipectomy): It is done where body lift is required. It is more invasive and is usually done in the patients who undergo gastric bypass surgery or massive weight loss that results in significant loss of skin elasticity. This technique targets full abdomen along with lower back and hips. Here horizontal incision is made that runs across the lower belly all the way to the back on each side ( like a belt). It involves removal of excess of skin from buttocks, hips, central abdominal area and thighs. Also, fat is removed using liposuction. Surplus tissues are removed, and abdominal muscles are tightened. The incisions done is extended to the back. The belly button is repositioned, and then the incisions are closed.
  • Endoscopic Tummy Tuck: : Endoscopic tummy tuck is performed on the patients with little abdominal fat, weakened abdominal muscles and minimum loose skin. In this procedure, a tiny camera that is attached to a thin tube is inserted into the incision site. The resulted scar is least noticeable. This technique is usually employed in those who suffer from rectus diastasis. Rectus diastasis is a disorder that involves abdominal muscle separation at belly midline.

What Reasons to Consider Tummy Tuck

  • Excess of skin or flab in your abdomen that won’t improve with exercise and diet.
  • Exercise and diet only helped you to lose weight, but your tummy still protrudes.
  • You have stretch marks on your abdomen.
  • You carry an excess of weight in the middle section
  • Massive weight loss, pregnancy, aging and any previous surgery has made your abdominal muscles weak.
  • Excess of skin on the tummy is affecting your tummy shape.
  • To restore youthful and flat tummy.
  • To look better in swimming suits and fitting clothes.

Good Candidates For A Tummy Tuck

  • People who do not smoke or have stopped smoking for at least 6 weeks prior to the procedure
  • Abdominal muscles which are weakened and separated
  • Women or men having sagging or excessive abdominal skin
  • People who have stable weight
  • A protruding belly that is out of proportion to other body parts
  • People having excessive fat deposits and weak stomach muscles

Not Good Candidates For A Tummy Tuck

  • Massive weight fluctuation
  • For women whose family is not complete and will become pregnant in the future

Advantages Of Tummy Tuck Treatment

  • Tightens loose sagging skin due to obesity:Obesity can have extremely adverse effects on routine activities. However, sudden weight reduction can cause sagginess in skin. Also muscles become loose during massive weight gain. Tummy tuck surgery can help in overcoming both these side effects
  • Visually appealing: Results of abdominoplasty are outstanding for both women and men. Women having loose or saggy skin, protruding belly or excessive abdominal fat in the middle-section can benefit most from this surgery.
  • Stretch marks because of pregnancy:Pregnancy related stretch marks set many women worrying. During the surgery, stretch marks between the pubic hair and belly button get eliminated

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