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Face Lift

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Face Lift

Face Lift

Facial aging results in a loss of skin elasticity and firmness, sagging tissue and wrinkles. These signs of aging can impact how we feel about ourselves. If you wish to look as good as you feel a facelift may be the answer for you. A facelift (or rhytidecotmy) is a surgical procedure to improve the visible signs of aging in the face and neck. A facelift smoothes the loose skin on your face and neck, tightens underlying tissues, and removes excess fat. The end result is a smoother, firmer and fresher look. Mid-face sagging can create a deep crease below the lower eyelid (called a tear trough) and between the nose and mouth (nasolabial fold) that can make you appear tired and sad. You may consider a facelift if you have some of the following concerns:

Signs of aging in the face and neck occur for many reasons, such as heredity, skin type, sun exposure, and lifestyle choices. If you are bothered by a combination of deep facial wrinkles, sagging jowls, drooping eyelids, or loose skin and excess fatty deposits under your chin or on your neck, a facelift may be right for you. A full facelift is best described as a combination of separate procedures that affect different areas of the face. Not all people need the same procedures, so what may be full facial rejuvenation for one person may involve a slightly different set of procedures for another. Typically a full facelift involves a lower or mid facelift, a forehead lift and sometimes eyelid surgery. Your plastic surgeon can help decide the best options to give you the results you desire. A general overview is presented here, and surgical details for individual procedures commonly performed during a full facelift can be viewed separately.

Types of Facelift

  • Minimal Invasive: Minimal invasive also called as thread lifts; this is the latest type of face lift procedure which is offered to the patients who have less laxity and who do not want an extensive surgery. In this procedure US FDA certified threads are placed in your check area or wherever there is laxity of skin. Its an OPD procedure without any down time with instant results, but obviously the results are less pronounced then the surgical face lift
  • HIFU: This machine is used to treat fine wrinkles and laxity by using energy based devices. This can be combined with other non-surgical procedures like chemical peels or lasers.
  • Surgical Face Lift: in this procedure your face is tightened using an incision near the ear which is not visible in long term. This gives the best results of all types of face lift but it requires hospitalization and general anesthesia. It certainly has a long down time as compared to minimally invasive facelift but certainly gives the best results.


A brief overview of structures inside the nose will help you understand the nose reshaping process. The upper third of the nose, called the bridge, consists of bone, while the mid and lower portions of the nose are supported by cartilage. A dorsal hump is an area of built up cartilage or bone that forms along the dorsum, or ridge of the nose. Cartilage in the lower portion of the nose, called alar cartilage, is what determines the shape and appearance of the nasal tip. A thin layer of cartilage, called the septum, separates the nose in the center. The columella is the tissue that lies between the nostrils at the base of the nose.

The Midface

The mid facelift, sometimes referred to as a cheek lift, rejuvenates the center of the face in an area approximately from the corners of the eyes to the sides of the mouth. Underlying muscles and fat that have sagged over time are lifted back up onto the cheek bones.

Lower Face Neck

A lower facelift can help to reduce the appearance of deep facial wrinkles, sagging jowls, and sagging in the neck, restoring a firmer, more youthful appearance. During a lower facelift, underlying tissues and muscles are repositioned, fat deposits are removed, facial skin is tightened, and excess skin is removed.

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