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Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction

As its name suggests a breast reduction procedure involves removing a portion of a woman’s breast fat, tissue and skin from her breast by surgery. Breast reduction produces smaller and lighter breasts that are better proportioned with the rest of the woman’s body.

Benefits of a breast reduction

Often women have a breast reduction procedure to alleviate the physical or psychological stress and strain that their large breasts are imposing on their body. Large heavy breasts may cause back and neck pain, rashes and sweating under the breasts, as well as poor posture, all of which are often all resolved with smaller breasts following this procedure.

Reducing the size of a woman’s large breasts can enhance many other aspects of her life such as finding it easier to join in physical activities including sports and exercise that otherwise would have been quite difficult. It may also have a positive impact on the way a woman feels about herself. She may enjoy the reduced attention or harassment from others due to the size of her breasts, feel less self-conscious and have better fitting clothes.

Who might benefit from a breast reduction?

A breast reduction is often favoured by women whose heavy breast size causes discomfort and pain, women who find their breast size a hindrance in their day-to-day life and those who do not enjoy the extra attention given due to the size of her breasts. Some women choose a breast reduction when one breast is larger than the other.

Breast Lift

Breast lift is the procedure which is done to correct the falling breast. This medical condition is known as ptosis of breast. There are various grades of ptosis which is dependent upon the level of nipple with respect to inframammary line

Breast lift is indicated for those patients in which post pregnancy/weight loss/ age has led to sagging breast. this can also be combined with breast augmentation or reduction if the patient desires.

Often after childbirth, or just with increasing age, the breasts develop a drooping appearance. Breasts can decrease in size as a result of breast feeding and this condition is known as "postpartum involution". If the size of the breasts is adequate, a lift is frequently necessary to restore the shape of the breast.

Excessively large breasts many times lead to back and shoulder pain. It also results in difficulty in finding correctly fitting clothing. Excessive volume of breast tissue makes individuals look very large, and also restricts movement. Breast Reduction Surgery is very helpful to permanently reduce the breast size so it is in proportion to the rest of your body. It helps to alleviate back and shoulder pain and gives you confidence. This is the most satisfying procedure which results in more youthful and proportionate breast contours.

There are three types of lifts:

  • Wise Pattern: Operation in the shape of an anchor, around the areola, down and across the chest below the breast.
  • LeJeourOperation around the areola and down.
  • Peri-Areolar: Operation only around the areola.

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