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Facial Rejuvenation

Facial Rejuvenation

Facial aging is an issue which shows its first signs around the late twenties and early thirties. It is manifested in the form of fine lines, dark circles, wrinkles and rough skin, especially near the eyes and lips. This process cannot be reversed. It is a part of human body and the way the skin matures with age. But, it can be treated through surgical and non-surgical or natural means to make sure that the process of aging is slowed down.

Factors Affecting Facial Aging:

There are several factors which affect the facial aging and aggravate the process faster. Some of these factors are:

  • If you smoke excessively, your face would sooner or later start showing signs of aging prematurely.
  • At times, this process gains speed due to genetic issues.
  • Stress and anxiety are the most important reasons for a person to start showing signs of aging at an early stage of life.
  • If you lead a hectic lifestyle which involves excessive travelling throughout different climates, the exhaustion may be manifested through facial aging.

Facial rejuvenation refers to the combination of cosmetic procedures used to restore your facial features to their previous youthful appearance. While a facelift is often the anchor or foundation for many facial rejuvenations, other procedures can complement and enhance the result. Surgical procedures such as eyelid surgery, brow lift and facial implant can help correct specific problem areas on the face. Nonsurgical treatments including fillers, neurotoxins (botulinum toxins) and fat injections can be used for volume enhancement and wrinkle and fold eradication. Laser skin resurfacing or other light modalities can be utilized to improve skin texture and correct skin blemishes or age spots.

Is eyelid rejuvenation right for me?

Eyelid rejuvenation, also known as blepharoplasty, is a common area of the face that patients request to refresh first. Eyelid rejuvenation usually precedes a face and neck lift or can be done at the same time. The eyes are the windows to the soul, and as you age, that window will start to show severe signs of aging. Loss of volume in the face leads to sunken eyes and sagging skin that was never there before. Since your eyes are the most prominent feature of your facial structure, it is vital, when considering eyelid rejuvenation, that you do not change the appearance of your eyes too dramatically. We cannot overemphasize this concept enough because excessively slanting or making your eyes smaller with surgery will forever change how you look to yourself and to others. The goal is to look like yourself only better.

Is a facelift what I need?

Facelifts, also known as rhytidectomy, is sometimes required to correct sagging facial skin. There are many different techniques used to accomplish a facelift. We cannot stress enough the importance of choosing a real board-certified plastic surgeon who is a true expert and who specializes in facial rejuvenation when considering a facelift. Facial rejuvenation is so much more than just a facelift, and when done correctly, facial rejuvenation focuses on facial harmony. To maintain facial harmony, often facelifts are accompanied with eyelid surgery and filler to restore the eyes, bring back the natural jawline and reestablish fullness in your cheeks.

Do I need Botox?

Neuromodulators such as Botox and Dysport and Xenomin are agents that block muscular nerve signals, which in turn weakens the target muscle limiting or nullifying muscle contraction. The action of Botox, in turn, results in diminished unwanted wrinkles in the target area. Botox has multiple uses and can be used to treat crow's feet, forehead furrows, frown lines, skin bands on the neck, etc. When considering plastic surgery procedures to address the effects of aging, you should always work in close partnership with a board-certified plastic surgeon who understands the aging process. You need an expert that can help you determine if neuromodulators are appropriate to correct lines and wrinkles or if a more invasive procedure is necessary.

Do I need fillers?

As we age, our bodies naturally lose fat. This is especially evident in the face. Fat loss is especially apparent in the hollowing of the eyes and cheeks. Soft tissue fillers help to reduce fine lines and wrinkles by adding volume and fullness back to the face. Most fillers such as Restylane, Voluma or Juvéderm work by replenishing the hyaluronic acid levels in your skin and pulling in moisture from the body to add to its plumping and smoothing effect. These safe, degradable hyaluronic acid fillers are helpful at reducing early signs of aging such as plumping thin lips and softening facial creases and wrinkles.

When to Consider Facial Rejuvenation

  • If you want to reverse the signs of aging and restore a more youthful appearance
  • If your face and neck are sagging, or if you are losing volume in your cheekbones and contour along your jawline
  • If there are crow’s feet at the corners of your eyes, fine lines and folds around your mouth, and frown lines and furrows in your forehead
  • If there are crow’s feet at the corners of your eyes, fine lines and folds around your mouth, and frown lines and furrows in your forehead

Are you a good candidate for facial rejuvenation?

  • You want to look younger and more refreshed
  • You seek the most natural result
  • You have a number of aging signs that cannot be adequately treated with only one surgical procedure
  • If you are in good general health, have a positive attitude and realistic expectations, you are most likely a good candidate for this procedure

Treatment Plan

Based on your goals, physical characteristics and the surgeon’s training and experience, your surgeon will share recommendations and information with you, including:

  • An approach to your surgery, including the type of procedure of combination of procedures
  • The outcomes that you can anticipate
  • Your financial investment for the procedure
  • Options for anesthesia and surgery location
  • Associated risks and complications
  • What you can expect to experience after surgery
  • What you need to prepare for your surgery

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