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Ear Lobe Repair

Ear Lobe Repair

Ear Lobe Repair or repair of the torn ear lobe is a rather very common cosmetic surgery in the Indian subcontinent. Due to culture and religious reasons wearing ear rings is very common in India. Over a period of time, due to the weight of the ear rings, the holes made for placing the Ear ring becomes bigger and bigger, finally ending in some cases to the whole ear lobe getting torned into two halves.

These changes not only just gives rise to an unattractive looks, but also creates problem for a woman who is habituated in wearing rings for cultural and religious purposes in almost daily basis ; so correction of this deformity assumes a very important role for them.

Why need Earlobe Repair?

  • Patients prefer surgery to normalize the appearance of damaged earlobes.
  • It can also be used to reconstruct the piercing tract for re-piercing. Most patients can re-pierce their ears within a few months of surgery.
  • The patient suffers from keloid scars around the edges of your ears; earlobe repair can remove and re-contour the shape of your earlobes.
  • The patient should possess with good health and have a positive outlook on life.

Earlobe Repair

  • It takes 30 to 45 Mins for the procedure.
  • The surgeon uses a local anesthetic to the treatment area.
  • During the procedure, incisions will be made along the interior piercing tract to create “fresh” edges.
  • The fresh edges of the earlobe will then be sutured together using little stitches. Scarring should be minimal.

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